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If you would like to know more about to any of our Philanthropic activities please click the link beside the activities you wish to lean more about, or contact our General Secretary at 904-355-7633, or through our contact form accessible by clicking here

Our greatest asset are the men who advance from Masons to become Scottish Rite Masons. They continue to improve on themselves while influencing the communities they live in.

Our next greatest asset is our building. This grand Lady has been a landmark in Jacksonville since 1926. Our building allows us to host several non-for profit groups and their activities throughout the year. Life Line Screening, Foster Grandparents, 960 Market St., Florida Masonic Child I.D. are but to name a few. And we are always looking for more.

Dynamic Freedoms

In an effort to support our society with materials that educate our youth in the civics and history of our great nation, 960 Market St., in connection with the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Jacksonville, publishes and sends out the Dynamic Freedoms booklet free of cost to Scottish Rite Masons, Blue Lodge Masons, Schools, and educational groups of all kinds.

to learn more click here

Scottish Rite Foundation

The Scottish Rite Childhood Language Centers and Clinics

are endeavoring to make an impact on language problems

by providing services throughout the United States of America.

The Jacksonville Scottish Rite Joins Wolfson Children's

Rehabilitation Services at Baptist Health Center in this endeavor.

to learn more click here

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